Customer Testimonials


SMT students have found success!

Members of the Smart Minds Tutoring team have attended or will be enrolling in some of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning on the planet. These include:


Customer Testimonials 1

Using SMT proven strategies, I scored 320 points higher on my SAT practice test just after nine sessions than my previous SAT exam. My SMT tutor was very patient and helped me divide and conquer the SAT sections and manage my time wisely.

Alex A writes Tutoring: 2019/2020, Active

Customer Testimonials 2

We knew how critical the SAT was going to be for our child's secondary education success. We specifically looked for tutoring companies that were led by top scholars with instructors that had suceeeded on the exam relatively recently and were cost-effective. SMT fit the script. In the end, our child improved their SAT score by over 150 points after 3 months of triweekly sessions.
Mr K writes Tutoring: 2019, Inactive

Customer Testimonials 3

We have been very pleased with our relationship with SMT. They created a thoughtful, individualized strategy to help my daughter reach her goal and have attentively monitored her progress and made adjustments as needed. The online format used has been convenient and scheduling has been quite flexible. Hongze Is patient, knowledgeable and approachable. He has also done well gauging the appropriate amount of “homework” needed to allow improvement without overwhelming the student.
Mrs P. writes Tutoring: 2020, Active